Monthly Archives: October 2017

Violence against Bi women of colour



Research Consultation

Violence against Bisexual Women: Causes, Experiences and Implications for Service Providers

You are being invited to take part in a research project which explores bisexual women’s experiences of violence. Please take your time to read the following and ask the researcher for further information or if anything is unclear.

Purpose of Project

To explore bisexual women’s experiences of violence.
To understand why bisexual women experience higher rates of violence.
To explore bisexual women’s experiences with service providers and provide resources to providers of services which work with bisexual women.
Am I eligible to take part?

To take part in this part of the study you must:

Be a person of colour i.e. a person who is not white.
Either be a (transgender or cisgender) woman or have experiences of being a woman (this may include transgender people of various genders, please ask if you are unsure).
Identify as bisexual, pansexual or queer (you must be romantically and/or sexually attracted to multiple genders).
What does taking part involve?

This part of the research is a consultation with bi women of colour to allow them to influence the research process. The purpose of this is to ensure that bi women of colour are included throughout this study.

If you agree to take part you will be briefed about the aims of the project and the design of the research. You will be asked for feedback on recruitment of participants, structure of interviews and invited to be part of future consultations.

This can take place in person (the researcher will travel to you) or over skype/telephone.

What are the possible risks of taking part?

You will not directly be asked about your own experiences of violence, however you may find the session emotional and distressing. It may bring back painful or upsetting memories. If this happens, this is completely normal. Please use the contact numbers at the bottom of this page to access support if this happens to you.

Please also feel welcome to contact the researcher who can direct you to appropriate support. It is important to remember that the researcher is not a qualified mental health professional, counsellor or therapist and cannot provide you with professional support.

What are the possible benefits of taking part?

There are no immediate benefits to participants. It is hoped that this work will contribute to understanding of an under-researched subject and group. The research also intends to contribute to creating research led resources for services which work with bisexual women, as well as to the bisexual activist community.

About the researcher

Sally-Anne Beverley is a doctoral researcher at the University of Leeds. She is a white, bisexual, cisgender woman who has experienced intimate partner violence.  

For further information or to take part please contact

Sally-Anne Beverley      

For support

For urgent police or medical help 999 or NHS 111

Refuge 0808 2000 247

Women’s Aid ‎ 0808 2000 247

Rape Crisis 0808 802 9999

Galop (LGBT Domestic Abuse Helpline) 0800 999 5428

Forced Marriage Unit Helpline 0207 008 0151

Halo Project (Honour Base Violence, Forced Marriage, FGM Helpline) 01642 683 045